Thursday, January 21, 2010

False pride

Good hair day today so I had to head to the head to take it in once more.  Just a glance, can’t keep my first patient waiting.  Turned slowly in front of the mirror, big smile (teeth looking good too!).  But then...

Two stethoscopes hanging around my neck.  Music grinds to a halt.  Exit laughing.


WarmSocks said...


Son of Groucho said...

I am a primary care physician in Scotland. This is a great idea for a blog. How did you decide on 55 words?

WordDoc said...

WS: Thanks for the support!

S of G: 55 word stories have been knocking around for awhile, sometimes under the name 'flash fiction.' I tend to overuse modifiers; thought I'd try the genre out on stories from the exam room.

Beth Z. said...

Love the blog. Thanks for writing. I work for a hospital association and this is a nice way to get a provider perspective for those of us so removed from the patient! Cheers to you!

Wendy said...

Well, they do say two heads are better than one - does the same go for stethoscopes? LOL!

Stefani said...

If only we could narrow multidisciplinary rounds down to 55 words, it would be a welcome change